Personal Injury Compensation
Each person, unlimited (including 30 million yen of third-party liability insurance)
Property Damage Compensation
For each accident, unlimited coverage (maximum liability of 50,000 yen per accident)
Vehicle Damage Compensation
For each accident, current market value
The burden amount in case of an accident [The maximum burden amount in case of an accident is 100,000 Japanese Yen]
※Not applicable for towing fees, tire punctures, and blowouts
Bodily Injury Compensation
Each person, up to a maximum of 30 million yen
In the event of injuries (including permanent disability) or death of passengers due to a car accident, regardless of the driver's fault, compensation will be provided. The amount of compensation is calculated based on the insurance policy terms and conditions.
The following situations are not eligible for insurance claims and compensation
(1)※輪胎漏氣、爆胎時的修理費用(2)※輪圈蓋遺失(3)故意的事故 等
※Compensation under the Super Safety Package
(1) Drunk driving (2) Reckless driving (3) Drug use (4) Unauthorized extension of rental period (5) Driving by individuals not approved by the company, etc
(1)損害車內配件 (2)未上鎖致使遭竊 (3)自助加油時加錯油種 (4)鑰匙遺失 (5)在禁菸車內吸煙(包含電子菸、加熱式菸品)(6)穿拖鞋開車(7)不明車損所致之毀損(8)因自然災害 如颱風、地震、洪水等所導致之車輛毀損(9)其他造成困擾的行為 等
Customers who purchase the Super Safety Package will be eligible for the following support coverage.
The deductible amount in the event of an accident or problem is 0 yen
Exempt from burden
Exemption from Business Interruption Fee (NOC) payment
Tire punctures and blowout repair costs
Lost wheel covers
Roadside assistance
Towing service: Towing to the repair shop designated by the rental store
Unlocking service when the keys are locked inside the car
Battery jump-start
Tire replacement
Fuel delivery when out of gas: Supplied with approximately 10 liters of gasoline* (fuel cost will be borne by the customer).
Tire repair service in case of a flat tire
Other emergency services: Simple tasks that can be handled in approximately 30 minutes
無法申請保險、補償之狀況請參閱如上Basic Package 之項目